

The eyes are often regarded as the focal point of the face. At Guelph Facial Plastics, we know how frustrating it can be when the delicate skin around this area starts to sag. Dr. Matthew Brace, one of North America's top facial plastic surgeons, can help you correct your t...

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VBeam Perfecta Success Story

   Although laser treatments are most commonly used for cosmetic purposes, in many cases patients can benefit from the healing powers of non-invasive treatment options. At Guelph Facial Plastics, we treat a variety of different injuries with our array of services...

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Otoplasty Explained

Reshaping your ears can be a life-changing decision. At Guelph Facial Plastics, we understand this type of appearance altering surgery can be an emotional experience. We offer Otoplasty surgery performed by one of North America's top Facial Plastic Surgeons, Dr. Matthew Bra...

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Rosacea Treatments

Above is an example of what CO2RE can do. This is a conclusion after one month of CO2RE treatment for Rhinophyma. This is an extreme form of rosacea that can cause tumor like growths of oil glands on the nose. As you can see, CO2RE is great for treating this condition. A month af...

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Botox in Your 20s

Even millennials are opting to be frozen in time with Botulinum Toxin — here is everything you need to know about the Botox trend. Since becoming FDA approved in 2002, the annual amount of Botulinum Toxin treatments performed such as Botox® and Dysport®, has risen...

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Sun Aging: Protect Your Skin this Summer

How a lack of sleep and unprotected sun exposure can contribute to premature sun aging of your skin. Sleep deprivation increases the rate at which women's skin ages, according to a study by University Hospitals Case Medical Center, which found that women with lower sleep qu...

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