Our eyes are the focal point during face-to-face interactions, and changes with age can often lead to a tired appearance. This can be from loose skin, puffiness, fine wrinkles and deep shadows. A blepharoplasty is a surgery that tightens the eyelids and gives them a rejuvenated appearance.

Ear Repair
For lobuloplasty, gauge ear, slot ear, and lacerated ear repairs, the ear lobe is anesthetized and the ear is repaired. Tiny sutures are used to close the skin.

Brow Lift
A brow lift, or “forehead lift,” is a cosmetic procedure to elevate the brow area. As we age, the skin and soft tissues of the forehead and brow can begin to sag and droop. A brow lift can address these concerns by lifting and repositioning the brow to restore a youthful, refreshed look.

A common cosmetic concern that occurs with age is the development of jowls, loose neck skin, fine lines around the mouth, deep smile lines (nasolabial folds) and hollowing under the eyes. This is the result of tissue descent in a ‘down and in’ direction that naturally occurs with aging.

Lip Lift
A lip lift is a powerful and natural procedure to enhance the upper lip aesthetic by creating a fuller and taller lip while increasing upper tooth show as necessary. It is a wonderful solution to correct lips that have been overfilled for years.

Neck Lift
A neck lift is a procedure that addresses fullness, sagging skin, and/or muscle banding of the neck under the chin. In isolation, this is not a very common procedure but it is often combined with a facelift. There are a variety of techniques used to address the neck.

Ear reshaping surgery, or “otoplasty,” is a surgical procedure performed to reshape, reposition, or enhance the appearance of the ears. At Guelph Facial Plastics, Dr. Matthew D. Brace, a specialist in facial plastic surgery, performs ear surgeries with the utmost precision and artistry.

A rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure to alter the shape of the nose. A septorhinoplasty is a procedure that also addresses the nasal septum (middle wall inside the nose) to improve nasal breathing.

Forehead Reduction
Forehead and hairline lowering may be called “hairline advancement” or “forehead reduction.” This custom cosmetic procedure is designed to resolve aesthetic issues such as a receding hairline or a more prominent forehead.

Skin Cancer Reconstruction
Skin cancer can be a daunting diagnosis. Dr. Brace helps patients who have been given this diagnosis by removing the cancerous growth and then making the once-affected area look as natural as possible using a local flap or skin graft.

Buccal Fat Removal
A buccal fat removal surgery is done to reduce, thin and sculpt the cheeks. For patients who can’t reduce a childlike or puffy facial roundness, this procedure effectively resolves the concern by removing the fat stored in the cheeks, thus enhancing the cheekbones and contouring the jawline and face.

Scar Revision
Facial scarring can be emotionally traumatic and detrimental to a person’s self-esteem. Whether the scar is from acne, surgery, burns, an accident, or assault, most can be improved if not made imperceptible.